

Our Partner, Nan Muhammad Ridhwan Rosnan, along with Associates Muhammad Hibri Nazim and Aida Liyana Zainal Rashid, and pupils Saif Aslam Lokman and Muhammad Asyraf Hakimi Zaid from the Shariah Practice Group, have provided comprehensive legal assistance to a Bangladeshi national, a professional worker in Singapore, in facilitating his marriage to a Female Malaysian Muallaf in Kuala Lumpur.

Our Shariah team supported the couple throughout the process by offering advice, liaising with relevant officers, and preparing necessary documentation for the registration of conversion in Malaysia. This included coordinating with religious authorities such as JAWI, handling the registration of religion, and updating the address with the National Registration Department. The team also assisted in securing a court order for wali hakim from the Shariah Court and submitted an application for an overseas marriage, culminating in the akad nikah ceremony at JAWI, scheduled for mid-February 2025. 

This significant undertaking highlights the close collaboration between our lawyers from our Shariah Practice Group, various religious authorities including JAWI, and key agencies such as the Shariah Court and the National Registration Department, ensuring a seamless and efficient process.

For more insights into this area of law, please contact our Shariah Partner:
Nan Muhammad Ridhwan

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