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We at ZUL RAFIQUE & partners recognize the importance of privacy and the sensitivity of personal information. As required under the Personal Data Protection Act 2010, the purpose of this Personal Data Protection Notice (“Notice”) is to inform you how we collect and process your personal data when you appoint or engage us to provide services, when you access and use our website or interact with us including through meetings, seminars, conferences or events.
By appointing or engaging us to provide services to you, by accessing and using our website or by interacting with us, you consent to us using, collecting and processing your personal data in the manner contemplated in this Notice.
This Notice may be amended or updated from time to time. We would advise you to check this Notice on our website from time to time for amendments or updates. By continuing to use or engage our services, to use our website or to communicate with us subsequent to any amendments or updates to this Notice, it would confirm and indicate your acceptance to the amendments or updates to this Notice.
Personal data generally means any information that identifies you. Your personal data is collected and processed by us at the start of our services or interaction and, from time to time, in the course of our engagement or interaction.
The type of personal data collected and processed by us includes:
Personal data collected will mainly be from you. However, some personal data may also be collected by us from other available sources including but not limited to credit reporting agencies, government department or agencies, public registries, websites, social media, publications, events, seminars, conferences.
Your personal data is collected and processed by us for our business activities including the following purposes:
Under certain circumstances, we may be required to disclose your personal data to third parties. Third parties to whom your personal data may be disclosed by us are as follows:
Further, we may also be required to transfer your personal data outside of Malaysia for the purposes and to such third parties stated in this Notice. The transfer of your personal data outside Malaysia would also be required if you are travelling, residing or based outside Malaysia.
We acknowledge that you have the right in deciding the information you wish to provide to us. The provision of the information listed above is voluntary in nature. However, please note that if you do not provide the information above or limit the way such information is to be processed, it may result in us not being able to:
If you wish to request:
please submit your written request to:
Zul Rafique & Partners
D3-3-8 Solaris Dutamas
No.1 Jalan Dutamas 1
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telephone : 03-6209 8228
Facsimile : 03-6209 8331
An administrative charge may be imposed for any request under paragraph (a) and (b) above.
Further, we reserve the right to refuse your requests for any reasons permitted under law.
The accuracy and completeness of your personal data depends on the information you provide. We assume that the information you have provided is accurate, up to date and complete unless you inform us otherwise.
Where you provide any third party information to us including but not limited to employer, colleagues, family information, it is our assumption that such information is accurate, up to date and complete and that you have obtained the necessary consent to disclose the same.
In the event that there is any conflict between the English and national language version of this Notice, the English language version shall prevail.
Kami di ZUL RAFIQUE & partners menghormati kepentingan privasi dan sensitiviti data peribadi anda. Sebagaimana yang dikehendaki di bawah Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010, Notis Perlindungan Data Peribadi ini (“Notis”) bertujuan untuk memaklumkan kepada anda bagaimana kami mengumpul dan memproses data peribadi anda apabila anda melantik pihak kami untuk memberikan perkhidmatan. Bukan itu sahaja, Notis ini turut bertujuan untuk memaklumkan kepada anda bagaimana kami memproses data peribadi anda apabila anda mengakses dan menggunakan laman sesawang kami atau berhubung dengan kami melalui mesyuarat, seminar, ataupun persidangan.
Dengan melantik kami untuk memberikan perkhidmatan kami kepada anda dan juga dengan mengakses dan menggunakan laman sesawang atau berinteraksi dengan kami, anda dengan ini telah bersetuju dengan penggunaan, pengumpulan dan pemprosesan data peribadi anda oleh pihak kami mengikut cara yang dinyatakan dalam Notis ini.
Notis ini akan tertakluk kepada pindaan dan pengemaskinian dari masa ke semasa. Oleh itu, adalah disarankan supaya pihak anda menyemak Notis ini di laman sesawang kami dari masa ke semasa untuk memastikan sebarang pindaan atau pengemaskinian yang dilakukan adalah dalam pengetahuan anda. Dengan meneruskan perlantikan dan penggunaan khidmat kami selepas apa-apa pindaan atau pengemaskinian yang dilakukan terhadap Notis ini, ia secara langsung menandakan penerimaan anda terhadap pindaan atau pengemaskinian yang dilakukan terhadap Notis ini.
Data peribadi secara amnya bermaksud apa-apa maklumat yang berkaitan dengan pengenalan diri anda. Tanggungjawab kami terhadap anda memerlukan kami mengumpul dan memproses data peribadi anda. Pemprosesan dan pengumpulan data peribadi anda bermula dari awal perkhidmatan kami bersama anda termasuklah sebarang interaksi diantara pihak kami dan anda, selepas itu, dari semasa ke semasa sepanjang tempoh pengambilan atau penggunaan khidmat kami.
Jenis data peribadi yang dikumpul dan diproses oleh kami adalah:
Kebanyakan data peribadi yang dikumpul oleh kami adalah data peribadi yang dikemukakan kepada kami oleh anda. Walaubagaimanapun, data peribadi anda juga boleh dikumpul oleh kami dari sumber-sumber yang lain termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada agensi pelaporan kredit, agensi atau jabatan kerajaan, pendaftaran awam, laman sesawang, media sosial, penerbitan, seminar, dan persidangan.
Sebagai sebuah firma guaman, kami mengumpul dan memproses data peribadi anda untuk tujuan berikut:
Di bawah keadaan-keadaan tertentu, kami boleh menzahirkan data peribadi anda kepada pihak ketiga seperti berikut:
Kami juga boleh memindah data peribadi anda keluar dari Malaysia bagi tujuan-tujuan dan kepada pihak ketiga yang dinyatakan dalam Notis ini. Data peribadi anda juga akan dipindah keluar dari Malaysia jika anda berada di luar Malaysia.
Kami mengakui bahawa anda mempunyai hak untuk menentukan maklumat yang diberikan kepada kami. Maklumat yang disenaraikan di atas adalah secara sukarela. Jika anda tidak memberi maklumat di atas atau mengehadkan cara bagaimana maklumat tersebut diproses, kami tidak dapat:
Jika anda ingin:
sila hantar permintaan bertulis anda kepada:
Zul Rafique & Partners
D3-3-8 Solaris Dutamas
No.1 Jalan Dutamas 1
50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Telefon : 03-6209 8228
Faksimile : 03-6209 8331
Caj pentadbiran akan dikenakan bagi permintaan di bawah perenggan (a), (b) dan (c) di atas.
Kami berhak untuk menolak permintaan anda jika dibenarkan di bawah undang-undang.
Ketepatan dan kelengkapan data peribadi anda bergantung kepada maklumat yang anda berikan. Kami menganggap bahawa maklumat yang anda berikan adalah tepat, terkini dan lengkap melainkan jika anda memaklumkan sebaliknya kepada kami.
Kami menganggap bahawa maklumat pihak ketiga yang anda berikan kepada kami termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada maklumat majikan, maklumat rakan-rakan sekerja atau maklumat keluarga adalah tepat, terkini dan lengkap dan anda telah mendapatkan persetujuan yang sewajarnya untuk menzahirkan maklumat tersebut.
Jika terdapat percanggahan diantara versi Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Kebangsaan pada Notis ini, versi Bahasa Inggeris akan diguna pakai.
Your access to and use of our website signifies your acknowledgement and confirmation that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to all the terms and conditions set out in these terms of use (“Terms of Use”).
These Terms of Use may be amended and updated from time to time without notice to you by posting the same on this website. By continuing to access and use our website, you confirm and indicate your acceptance to the amended and updated Terms of Use.
The contents and information contained in our website is for general information purposes only including providing an overview of the Firm and its practices. As such, the contents and information herein is not intended to be complete or comprehensive.
Notwithstanding that our website may contain some general information on law, no contents and information contained in our website (including such general information on law) is intended to and/or is to be construed in any way whatsoever as a provision of legal services and/or legal advice on which you may rely on. Should you wish to seek specific advice, please contact us to fix an appointment.
We reserve the right to modify the contents and information in our website at any time without notice to you.
We do not in any way warrant and/or guarantee that our contents and information is at all times complete, adequate and up-to-date.
Access to and/or use of our website (including any communication via our website including queries made or feedback given) does not in any way give rise to and/or establish any solicitor-client relationship between you and us.
Our website may contain links to third party websites and include advertisements. We are not affiliated to and do not endorse the contents and information in the linked websites and/or advertisements. Such linked websites are provided to you for convenience only. We do not have control over such linked websites and/or advertisements and we shall not be responsible for the contents and information in any such linked websites (including services provided through the linked websites) and/or advertisements. The linked websites and advertisements may be governed by their own terms of use.
We do not warrant and/or guarantee that our website free of viruses, malware and anything else which may interfere with or damage the operations of your computer system.
Any and all warranties whether express or implied (including implied warranties of fitness for use, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third party rights) in relation to our website (its contents and information), its access, use, operation, availability, continuity or non-interruption are hereby excluded.
To the extent permitted under applicable laws, we shall not be responsible or liable for any and all forms and types of direct and indirect loss or damage (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of revenue, loss of goodwill, exemplary or punitive damages) suffered or incurred by you or any other person or entity howsoever arising whether in contract, tort, statute or otherwise in connection with or as a result of:
Copyright © 2023, ZUL RAFIQUE & PARTNERS. All rights reserved.
We are the owner of all our intellectual property rights, in relation to the content, layout, design, photographs, graphics and marks contained in this website and all such rights are reserved. The contents of this website shall not be reproduced in any form or version whether in part or in its entirety other than for private non-commercial use. None of the material and/or contents in our website shall not be adapted, modified, translated, published, extracted, recopied, downloaded, transmitted, distributed, stored permanently or otherwise in any form, without our prior written consent. Individual non-commercial use does not allow for incorporation of material or any part of it in any work or publication or website, in any form whatsoever.
We may obtain and retain certain information about you when you access and use our website. Please refer to our Personal Data Protection Notice link in this website for more details and information.
We reserve the right to terminate your access to and/or use of and/or block your future access to and/or use of our website at any time and for any reason whatsoever without notice. In the event of termination, all restrictions imposed under the Terms of Use, Disclaimer, Copyright and Personal Data Protection Notice will survive the termination and continue to be binding.
These Terms of Use shall exclusively be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia only, notwithstanding that our website may be accessible in other jurisdiction.