China has introduced the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative whichaims to strengthen Chinese presence and connectivity to the world With the introduction of OBOR, coupled with Malaysia’s strategic geographical location along the route, this provides excellent investment opportunities from Chinese investors in Malaysia.

ZUL RAFIQUE & Partners (ZRp), one of the largest independent law firms in Malaysia with about 90 lawyers, recognises the significance of these developments and has established a China Desk dedicated tosupport and provide legal services to Chinese clients and corporations.

Our dedicated ZRp China Desk team, drawn from across our various practice groups, are equipped with the necessary cultural knowledge, language skills and legal experience in order to best cater to our clients’ needs.

Our lawyers have advised a wide range of clients from listed companies to private investors in Chinese investment projects,cross-border transactions, international arbitration and legal disputes as well as issues in and out of China.

We also have extensive experience in advising the Government of Malaysia both at the Federal and State levels, State-owned entities and Government-linked Companies (GLC).

Our selected experience:

  • Advised the drafting of the Malaysian Communications & Multimedia Commission Act 1998, which is one of the first set of legislation in Malaysia to regulate the convergingtele communications and broadcasting industry;
  • Advised the drafting of the Federal Constitution (Amendment 2005) pertaining to the jurisdiction of the legislative powers on water services between the Federal Government and the State Government;
  • Advised the drafting of the Water Services Industry Act 2006(“WSIA”);
  • Advised the Malaysian National Water Services Commission on the drafting of various water services regulations;
  • Advised the State of Selangor on the State Water Transfer Agreement with the State of Pahang;
  • Advised on the corporatisation of the State Water Bodies forvarious states in Peninsular Malaysia;
  • Acted for the Government of Malaysia in an InternationalCentre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)arbitration involving annulment proceedings;
  • Advised on the restructuring of the Malaysian national airline company which included the transfer of assets of the former airline company (MAS) to the new airline company (MAB), and advised on the operational and strategic issues for the purposeof the restructuring. We also advised the Holding Company ofthe airline on the impact of the legislation that underpins the restructuring; and
  • Advised the Malaysian national oil company (PETRONAS) in the construction of the biggest petro-chemical plant in South-East Asia.

Our practice areas:

  • Banking & Finance
  • Capital Markets
  • Communications & Multimedia
  • Construction Dispute Resolution
  • Corporate Liability & Risk Management
  • Corporate/Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Corporate Real Estate
  • Employment & Industrial Relations
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
  • Infrastructure & Construction
  • Intellectual Property
  • Legal Forensic Investigation & Compliance
  • Litigation
  • Oil & Gas
  • Projects & Corporate Advisory
  • Shariah
  • Tax

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祖拉菲及合伙人们 (ZRp) 作为马来西亚规模最大的独立律师事务所之一,拥有超过90名律师,深刻体会该倡议的重要性并设立了中国服务组致力于提供法律服务予中国客户与企业。

本律师事务所的中国服务组成员们分别摘选自本所的各个执业领域并 具备良好的中华人文环境理解,沟通能力及丰富的法律经验,因此能 有效地为客户们提供最佳的法律服务。



  • 提供咨询建议予1998年马来西亚通讯及多媒体委员会法案起草,同时该法案也是马来西亚首个电信管制机构法案以监管电信与广播行业;
  • 提供咨询建议予2005年联邦宪法修正案起草,与联邦和州政府的供水事务管理权有关;
  • 提供咨询建议予2006年水务业法案起草;
  • 提供咨询建议予国家水务业委员会以起草水务相关条令;
  • 提供咨询建议予雪兰莪州与彭亨州的州调水协议;
  • 提供咨询建议予马来西亚半岛州水务局企业化;
  • 代表马来西亚政府予国际投资争端解决中心仲裁申请裁决撤销;
  • 提供咨询建议予马来西亚国家航空公司重组,包括由前公司(MAS)至新公司(MAB)的资产转移与重组的运营和管理的相关问题。同时本所也提供咨询建议予该航空的母公司以避免任何因重组而带来相关法律上的负面影响;及
  • 提供咨询建议予马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)于建造东南亚最大的石油化工厂。


  • 银行及金融业务
  • 资本市场
  • 电信通讯及多媒体
  • 建筑工程诉讼与仲裁
  • 企业责任与风险管理
  • 企业/兼并与收购
  • 企业房地产
  • 雇佣与劳资关系
  • 能源与公用事业
  • 环境、社会和公司治理
  • 基础设施与建筑工程
  • 知识产权
  • 司法取证调查与合规
  • 诉讼
  • 石油与天然气
  • 工程及企业咨询
  • 伊斯兰教法
  • 税收和征税

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