

8 January 2024

Energy & Utilities Partners, Lukman Sheriff Alias and Teh Hooi Woon, together with our Associate, Fatini Halim recently played a significant role in advising Pharmaniaga Logistics Sdn Bhd (“PLSB”) to enter into a seven-year concession agreement with the Ministry of Health (“MOH”) for the medical supply logistics services.

Under the agreement, PLSB is granted the rights to undertake the procurement, storage, supply, and delivery of medical products to public sector customers. PLSB is also authorised to carry out Pharmacy Information System (“PhIS”) services and construct or acquire new warehouses for the storage of medical products.

Our team has provided invaluable legal counsel and expertise in the negotiation process between PLSB with the MOH to finalise the drafting of the terms of the concession agreement which will protect both parties’ interests.

The granting of this concession will improve the nation’s healthcare system as it will witness the boosting of efficient and timely access to medical products and strengthen the nation’s logistics and distribution of medical products to the country’s healthcare facilities. This marks an important commitment between the Government of Malaysia and Pharmaniaga to ensure the continuous distribution and availability of medical supplies across the country and our Firm is pleased to have played a crucial role to support the trust placed in Pharmaniaga’s capabilities in Malaysia’s healthcare supply chain.

This deal update was also reported in:
The Star, Here;
New Straits Times, Here;
The Edge Malaysia, Here;
The Malaysian Reserve, Here and;

BNN Breaking, Here.

For more insight into this area of law, please contact our Partners in the Energy & Utilities Practice Group:
Lukman Sheriff Alias
Michele Chong
Hamdi Abdullah
Teh Hooi Woon

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